BioParkDx Inc.
Company Description
BioParkDx Inc. (Korea) is a manufacturer of IVD products.
The products to be exhibited are all made in Korea.

At this year's exhibition, we release a brand-new POC MDx which adopts pipette-based technology. The failure rate of the test is less than 2% compared to that of global leading companies (5-7%), as well as the cost of cartridges is just half !

Also, there wil be high-quality lyophilized reagents ranging from Proteinase K, Magnetic Bead, to PCR Master Bead. Stop by and experience!
Product Categories (10)
Multiplex Testing, Point of Care Testing, DNA/RNA Based Systems, Immunofluorescence, RNA Extraction, Controls, DNA/RNA Based Reagents, Magnetic Particles
Included In the Export Interest Directory
Business Needs
Distributor/Agent/Representative, Investor
Products to be exported
- POC Platform : MoiM Dx100
- Nucleic Acid Extractor : T-Prep24®

ㅇLyophilized Reagents (LyoBall™)
Countries of Interest
France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States
27, Gongneung-ro 58-gil, Nowon-gu
Seoul, 01809


T-Prep24® Operation Video : Nucleic Acid Extractor
[POC PCR] Pipette-based technology overcomes microfluidic's limit